Thinking Thursday: What is a Great Teammate?

Thinking Thursday What is great teammate? I opened the refrigerator yesterday after my wife had left for a business meeting. It was ungodly early. But, there it was in plain sight. All my bottles were setup to feed my son for the day. A small, but brilliant gesture reflecting her understanding of my challenge for […]

Thinking Thursday: Foundation of Life is Health

Thinking Thursday Health As many of you know, I traveled home to Philly recently to hold my Mom’s hand before she underwent heart valve replacement. Everything went well for my Mom. The “Ox” ploughs on… But, as I looked around with my Dad and sisters sitting in the same exact waiting room we did a […]

Thinking Thursday: Happiness & Gratitude, Like Peanut Butter & Jelly

Thinking Thursday Gratitude For the last eighteen months, I’ve studied personal performance. Attitude and approach stand squarely at the heart of achieving your aspirations. Happiness, optimism and positivity are not outcomes of achievemet, but rather approaches to get more out of life. Science supports this fact. And, in both my research and personal experience, a […]

Finding Inspiration and Knowledge in Newsletters

If there is such a thing, I read too much. I’m the annoying guy at dinner parties who “just recently read an article about [insert any topic]…” I blame it all on my Learner trait. And, my parents…when in doubt, blame it on Mom and Dad. Damn genetics. But, my brother had it right when gave […]

ThinkingThursday: My Favorite Word

Thinking Thursday Most people don’t have a favorite word. Then again, most people aren’t nerdy like me. Do you have a favorite word? Mine is perspective. It has been for nearly thirty years. My 6’6″ 7th grade teacher inspired my interest when he instructed all all of his students to stand on their desk and […]

ThinkingThursday: Success Doesn’t Happen by Accident

Thinking Thursday: We tap into a minuscule fraction of our potential. Therefore, don’t let your attitude get in the way of your talent. Be deliberate, positive and optimistic in your daily practice to cultivate the life you want. Success doesn’t happen by accident. #thinkingthursday #dothework #success

ThinkingThursday: Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Thinking Thursday: Two weeks ago, I ran the Donna half marathon. As I walked to the start line, I was inspired to see the challenge athletes lined up and ready to roll. They are proof positive that you may not be able to choose your circumstances, but you can always choose your attitude, approach and […]

ThinkingThursday: Stay Youthful in Your Approach

Thinking Thursday: Today is Brooklyn’s 5th birthday. Over the last five years, she has opened my eyes to a new world of possibilities, questioned my perspective and deepened my capacity and want to love others. I cherish and celebrate (and admire) her youthful enthusiasm to explore, experiment – and fail forward. She reminds me daily […]

ThinkingThursday: Be the Change

Thinking Thursday: Gandhi encouraged us, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I am so proud of my wife for following her caring heart and passion to help children in need. Today, she leaves to visit HaitiChildren, an orphanage in Haiti we support. Her model of compassionate love moves mountains and inspires. […]

ThinkingThursday: Life’s Golden Ticket

Thinking Thursday: Life’s Golden Ticket Today, right now, in this exact minute you hold in your hand Life’s Golden Ticket. So, what will you do with your gift? Will you punch the Ticket and go for all life has to offer – chasing your dreams, living your values, loving your people, willing to occasionally get […]