ThinkingThursday: Life’s Golden Ticket

Thinking Thursday:
Life’s Golden Ticket

Today, right now, in this exact minute you hold in your hand Life’s Golden Ticket. So, what will you do with your gift?

Will you punch the Ticket and go for all life has to offer – chasing your dreams, living your values, loving your people, willing to occasionally get kicked in the teeth to live your right life?

Or are you going to sit on the sidelines of life as a bystander watching the seconds slowly tick by, wondering what all the fuss is about while aimlessly floating like a leaf in the wind as others write your story. Are you living life as an idle consumer instead of an active creator?

Grab your ticket. Get in the park. Get on the field. Force your way into the game you want to play.

Embrace your past.
Live your now.
Create your future.

You are worth it.
#smallsample #onelifetolive #alignactionsandvalues #thinkingthursday#stopaskingpermission

Random Quote

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

— H Jackson Brown

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