“I’m too Busy…”

“I’m too busy.” 

It’s by far the saddest phrase I hear while working with CEOs. (Or anyone for that matter.)


Simple. It reflects a total loss of control. Not of your calendar. A loss of your mindset.

You’ve stopped believing you have a choice. You believe the world is acting upon you. There is nothing you can do. You’ve succumbed to thinking you are simply a leaf blowing in the wind. No longer the lead actor in your own life. You’ve chosen the “Woe is me Eeyore approach.” 

Remember. Eeyore doesn’t change the world. He’s actually hugely depressing to be around. Instead, you could choose Buzz Lightyear.

The world happens. Instead of complaining about the rain, grab an umbrella and celebrate the forthcoming flowers and green grass. That’s what Buzz does.

Listen. We all have 168 hours a week. Once you stop thinking that you are no longer in control of those 168 hours, your achievement suffers. Motivation wanes. You’ve allowed yourself to become a pawn on the chessboard of life.

  • You’ve lost sight of your vision and where you’re going.
  • You’ve lost sight of the values that guide you.
  • You’ve lost sight of the priorities required to live. Your life, your terms.

It’s a terrible, God awful story to tell yourself.

“I’m too busy,” is a cancerous mindset. It isn’t the mindset of the highest achievers.

Because if it was really important and helped you reach your goals and was in alignment with your values, you should find a way to be “not too busy.”

Double down. Take control today. Stop saying, “I’m too busy.” Get back to your “why” that drives you grounded in your vision, your values, and the priorities to get you where you want to go. And, if you don’t know what those are, then take some time to do the work to find your North Star.

Change Your Relationship

Want to explode your success? Change your relationship with time. You are in control of time. Time is not in control of you.

A great antidote to, “I’m too busy,” is “that’s just not a priority for me right now.” It’s a massive change in mindset that reflects you are in control. You are living with intention. You are prioritizing your life for achievement. You are living your life on your terms.

“Too busy” is a mindset that just sucks every last drop of life from you.

So, what story are you’re going to tell yourself?

Random Quote

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

— H Jackson Brown

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