ThinkingThursday: What Big Things Will You Do?

Favorite quote from last night at the Country Music Awards: “Last year, I was across the street in a bar watching this show.” Maren Morris, Winner, New Artist of the Year What big things will you be doing a year from now? #thinkingthursday

I Quit My Job a Year Ago. Here’s 47 Things I Believe about Life…

It’s been a year since I quit my job. A whole *&%*%*& year! This is actually the third time in my career I’ve walked away from work for a while. This hiatus has been my longest, most productive and best – because it has been my most intentional. The joy of this time hasn’t been […]

How a Simple Birthday Conversation Led to Burning 100,000 Calories

Earlier this week, while you were probably still sleeping, I crossed a milestone during my 6:15am workout at OrangeTheory Fitness. For the calendar year, I’ve now burned over 100,000 calories during 124 workouts.  It was epic calorie #225 that eclipsed the 100,000 mark. Ever the accountability through numbers guy, I watched the screen tick by […]

My Amazing Mom: The Inspirational Story of “Just Try”

“Son, I have lung cancer.” I should have been shocked. Strangely, I wasn’t. For the third time in six years, my amazing mom faces a life-threatening illness. What normally comes as shock has now come as commonplace. My amazing mom was given a week to live the day after Christmas…six years ago. Hospice rushed in […]

The Profound Paradox of Hurting While Helping

I have to much to learn as a parent. *Sigh* I’m so thankful I have a forgiving student, test case and daughter in Brooklyn. Recently, I met Bob Lupton, author of Toxic Charity, at a leadership event. He explained the idea of empowerment and dis-empowerment related to “doing good for others.” When we do for […]

An Inspiring Vision Driven by Emotional Connections

It’s 1997 and Steve Jobs has just returned to lead Apple from the brink of disaster. Listen to his incredible vision for the future, driven by values and lifted by emotional connections. To me, it is a masterful lesson in laying out the future to inspire and galvanize during a period of change. Obviously, with […]

Life is a Choice You Make

So, hello, 2016! I’ve been preparing for you. I’ve spent the last two month re-investing in myself, my friends and my family. It’s been fabulous. And, I’m keeping the momentum going with a strong plan that includes my vision and values and an actionable plan. I’m choosing to engage the world in a positive, values-driven […]

Getting Specific on Reflection: 5Whys

I recently started working out at Orange Theory Fitness. It is the best workout I’ve ever experienced. Period. I love the mindset the trainers instill, “Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.” Pushing yourself into deep corners is the only way to grow. And, walking in knowing that I’m going to be uncomfortable helps me to succeed. […]

Every (Great) Company Needs a Hiring Process

In 2013, NFFS catapulted from $13MM to $28.6MM. This was on the heels of going from $7MM to $13MM in 2012 when we won the fastest growing company in Jacksonville.  The growth was not calculated or planned – not by our lack of planning but because supply and demand was out of whack. It was […]

Hello, Old Friend. Remember Me?

Dear [BeachBody, Plexus, Arbonne, R+F, Advocare, IDLife, other MLM] business owner friends, First off, I miss you – the “real you” since I feel like I’m only seeing the “business you” anymore. Can I ask a favor? Can you stop going all, “Ron ‘But wait, there’s more!’ Popeil” on me? I signed up to be […]