Last night, I received a text message from a client that runs a real estate industry trade group website. I’ve helped them figure out the “Owner’s Manual” part of operating their website and they’ve been great to work with on their project. Tom’s text read: “What is an average open rate for email campaigns? What […]
The No-Nonsense Guide to Using the Right Colors [Kajabi]
Andy Jenkins over at Kajabi published an interesting article about color and when to use what color to elicit the “right” emotion. During our Website Audit, we examine your business and the “emotions, perceptions and feelings” you want a user to have when they come to your website. Obviously, choosing the right color scheme that […]
Leadership, Websites and a Dash of Special Sauce
Just like leadership succeeding on the web takes a dash special sauce too. The pace of change, the vast array of information (as well as perspectives on that information) and the technology intimidation all contribute to an overwhelming lack of security – and underwhelming success. – Quality New Outsourcing Platform or a Trap?
I’m interested in this price-fixed auction of sorts that is occurring at The simple concept: People post what they’re willing to do for five stinking bucks…a fiver.
How to Use Google Alerts to Ace Content Creation
Combining Google Alerts and Google Reader with your keywords, competitive intelligence and trusted industry sources, you can discover great content. Use it to become a thought leader in your space and Ace Content Creation. Learn how to use these dynamic tools for awesome content creation!
The 5 Rs of Search Engine Marketing with Bryan Eisenberg [WilsonWeb]
I’ve always loved Bryan Eisenberg since I read his book “Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?”. Bryan explains the 5 Rs that every online marketer should consider during the website planning phase. As a whole, this is a mindset more than anything and what we espouse: how do I provide value to my consumer?
How to Build Confidence with Trust Symbols
With any online business, you are always fighting trust and credibility. You can offset that skepticism by using trust symbols. It gives buyers confidence that your company is “for real” and they can trust you with their: personal information and credit card.
Google Targets Ridiculous Content Farms
When it comes to content, you have to add value to the supply chain: introduce new ideas, have a new perspective, synthesize various sources into new ways of thinking. Today, Google announced that it is stepping up efforts to fight spam. I’m delighted that Google has made this a priority. It is difficult enough to […]
Why Good Ideas Go Bad [FastCompany]
A great article exploring five reasons ideas fail. Since planning is central to every great business and ideas – online and offline, this is a must-read article for any aspiring entrepreneur or business leader. Learning about these reasons can help you fail faster and succeed even quicker. From the article: 5 ways to stop good […]
‘No website’ means it’s time to get to work [The Globe and Mail]
Here’s the obvious article pointing out that businesses need a website to compete in today’s marketplace. Websites have become “trust symbols” in and of themselves giving businesses legitimacy and credibility simply by having a professional presence – and a damaging one when it is unprofessional. From the article: “Even if we’re talking about a simple […]