My Single Biggest Business Mistake…

As a small business owner, the need to work hard is undisputed. It’s how you go about working hard that makes a difference. Now, for me, the word perspective is of the utmost importance. You have to be aware of yourself, your surroundings and how you fit into the competitive landscape. I find that successful people have an excellent perspective. But, one of the traps of any business is that you get so busy “inside” your business that you stop working “at” your business. And, you lose that perspective.

What’s the difference between “inside” and “at”?

  • Working inside your business is tending to the everyday tasks and challenges.
  • Working at your business is thinking about what tasks your business should be tackling.

Now, every business needs both…we need to do the work, but we also need to think about the work. If we’re constantly working inside the business like a mouse on a running wheel, we will miss opportunities to grow the business. I’m guilty of it. And, I’m certain there are tons of business owners who are guilty as well.

If I had to start over, I would invest in working at my business. To avoid this trap, my hearty recommendation for any business owner, manager or solo practitioner:

  • Find a mentor
  • Join a business group
  • Hire a business coach

I don’t care what it is, but find someone or something outside your business who is going to help you avoid group think and question “conventional wisdom.” This person should ask a lot of questions about your business and hopefully, will help you to evict the statement, “That’s the way we’ve always done it.”

At a minimum, you should spend at least one hour per week meeting or speaking on the phone with this “adviser” to your business. Ideally, it should take place outside of your office. I believe the insight you’ll gain will be well worth the investment in this asset to your business.

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Random Quote

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

— H Jackson Brown

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