I Never Lose My Keys

I never lose my keys. Ever.

How do I do it?

Simple. The first thing I do when I walk in my house is hang my keys up on the key ring. Duh.

I set myself up for success. In every house I’ve lived in for the past ten+ years, the first thing (and about the only thing) I’ve hung in the house is the key ring holder.

Walk in the house. Lock the door. Take four steps. Hang up my keys.

It is my habit.

Routine drives efficiencies.

I love that I never have the stress of madly scrambling around the house trying to find my keys when I should have left five minutes ago. AHHHHH! It makes the discipline to hang my keys worth it.

What daily routines in your life do you love?

Random Quote

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.”

— Goethe

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