Passion to Build a Great Company

Recently, I had the honor of being named an “Ultimate CEO” by the Jacksonville Business Journal. It was certainly a career moment to be recognized in this light alongside really amazing people doing even more amazing work. My personal favorite story belonged to Kevin Gay from Operation New Hope. You should really check out his work!

Speaking at the JBJ CEO Event

Speaking at the JBJ CEO Event

I wanted to share just a few thoughts about the experience. If one of my words for 2013 wasn’t celebrate, I’d probably have kept this one to myself.

The company I’m leading has taken me on an amazing ride. When I joined North Florida Field Services last year, we stood at sixteen people. We’re now at 60+. We were named the Fastest Growing Company in Northeast Florida, have been featured in the Inc. 500 Fastest Growing companies and we are growing today at a rate faster than the last two years – combined.

I took the opportunity before the event to speak with the people within NFFS. Because we deliberately cultivate a humble environment, I was almost embarrassed to share with them that I had been singled-out for this award. Personally, I really consider it a company award.

After speaking with our people, I believe there are three things that drive our success in the great little company we’re creating:

1. Strong Values serve as the framework for operating our company

  • Our guiding thought we ask our people to consider when making decisions, “Act passionately in the best interest of the company by wowing our customers and treating our people as partners.” Hard to go wrong when you use that as a checkpoint for your decisions.
  • When you are touching 1,100+ homes each month and growing at 160%+, you can forget about micromanaging. It’s all about trust. Trust your people to perform. If they don’t, train them. If they still don’t, replace them. Everyone is counting on you to perform.
  • Ultimately, the goal is to provide the values and guideposts for decisions and then support our people with the tools and resources to succeed. Then, you let them fly. If you don’t, you’ll never build a company bigger than yourself.

2. Actively Cultivate a Culture of Humility – Servant Leadership Wins Every Time

  • It was slightly awkward for me to be singled out and accept this award for our company, but it’s just that – a company award. It’s about the success that everyone has created.
  • We haven’t drank the Kool Aid; we don’t think we’re smarter than anyone else. We’re just really happy to go about our business and serving the needs of the customers and people. We would prefer to fly under the radar.
  • Servant Leadership: When people actively seek out and serve the needs of the company first – instead of what the company is doing for them – there’s this magical thing that happens: Everything just falls into place.
  • Ultimately, we pay the price to serve and win in early days, long night and extra work on the weekend. We’re humbled by the success, but we’re not surprised by it.

3.  Execution of our People: It is the #1 reason I’m standing here

  • The difference between good companies and great companies is execution. Are your people talented enough to execute?
  • Our people understand and accept their role, they pursue it with passion and they execute the shit out of their role.
  • Here’s the reality of this award: I’m one small person amid sixty plus direct employees, two hundred and fifty subcontractors who employ thousands of people around the state and countless Vendors who have taken the time and interest to learn our business and support us. It’s their success and execution, which has led to this recognition. I’m just humbled to be along for the ride.

Personally, I smiled the next day when the article appeared in the JBJ with the title, “Passion to Build a Great Company.” Yes, agreed. But, it comes at a price. I am so thankful to my friends and family who have been patient and supportive of me through the years. I appreciate it more than you’ll know.

Thanks to Everyone for coming out to celebrate

Thanks to Everyone for coming out to celebrate

Random Quote

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.”

— Goethe

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