Hiring is Like Choosing a Shopping Cart

I popped into Publix and grabbed a cart on the way in. Our relationship started great. It was seemingly shiny enough. And, it was large enough for the day’s shopping excursion. It met the need. It seemed to be working great.

Except when I really got moving, a problem popped up. At about 25 yards and three items into the store, the cart started pulling hard to the right. A few adjustments and a small kick didn’t resolve the issue. It was annoyingly difficult to control. It took way too much energy to keep on track. The excitement of grabbing my groceries faded at aisle 3 (yes, I love to grocery shop). By then, it was a real pain. And, it totally jaded my experience with the store. Shopping was not a pleasure that day.

Employees are much the same way. If you pick the wrong one, have the courage to go back to the front of the store and start again. Otherwise, you’ll just walk around unproductive, stressed and annoyed.

Random Quote

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

— H Jackson Brown


  1. Chuck Overman says

    If you run with dogs…you get fleas!

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