You Don’t Get to Choose Your Legacy

So, last week, Mom broke the news.

I knew something was up when I finally looked at my phone and saw she called three times in one day – and left messages each time. I spoke with her that evening.

“Son, I have lung cancer again.”

If you know anything about my Mom, you know she’s a badass. We affectionately call her, “The Ox.” Cause she just continues to plow forward. The number of near death illnesses she’s endured is, well, laughable at this point: liver transplant, bowel resection, heart attack, lung cancer, so many skin cancers cut out of her she aught to be a patchwork doll…our family is taking Vegas-style bets on what will finally knock her off.

Don’t worry. My mom is part of it. She has her money on “common cold.” When you’ve walked through the valley of death as many times as we have, you get really good talking about it. And, perspective unfolds when you’re finding ways to create levity.

As my mom has said, “If you accept living, you have to accept dying; it is all part of life.” Yep.

Energizing Clarity

Over the last week, I’ve made it a diligent point to speak with mom daily.

Her attitude remains enthusiastic and unwavering. In her mind, this is simply part of the journey of life. An obstacle to be seen and overcome.

I was nervous about the upcoming news post PET scan and meeting with her surgeon. Mom wasn’t a bit nervous. “Son, I’m excited. I’m going to know exactly what’s going on and we’ll know exactly what we need to do. And then, we’ll just go do that.”

My mom is excited…about a cancer diagnosis…and treatment plan. Okaaaay.

If you don’t know my mom, it’s beyond hard to imagine. I get it. But, I shit you not, there is a matter of fact sincerity that gets you excited about it too [Sidebar: “Yes, we’ll have clarity. And then we can execute on the clear path. This IS exciting,” says my CEO brain.]

It’s also weirdly commonplace. I mean, with the help of her surgeons, she’s fought off liver failure, a heart attack, lung cancer along with a slew of other “minor” inconveniences. There’s an invincible attitude of, “Ok, next.”

Attitudes & Outcomes

If there is one enduring truth through all my Mom’s health issues, it is the impact of a positive attitude.

As my mom said to me a million times when I was a kid, “Smile and the world smiles with you; cry and cry alone.” Or, as I’ve said now a million times as an adult, “You can’t always control your circumstances, but you can always choose your attitude and approach.”

If you believe your attitude directly impacts your outcome, then empower yourself to choose your attitude wisely and create the life you want. You are worth it.

And, think about it: on that day when you’re all pissed off and you allow negativity into your life and allow yourself to choose to have a bad attitude, I want you to remember you’re negatively impacting your own outcomes. You’re literally screwing yourself.

Living & Legacy

Life is weird. We don’t get to choose our legacy. We can only influence it. Those who we leave behind craft our legacy without our input and without our approval. Ruuude.

So, what part is up to us? We can only choose how we live. Our duty is to lead a life well-lived, leave our loved ones with many colorful stories to share and trust in them to do us justice.

I know the stories I choose to tell about my Mom.

What stories will craft your legacy?

#positivewins #gooddayssuck #takeyourownwheel

Random Quote

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.”

— Goethe

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