Increments and Exponents

I want to throw up when I hear a company say, “I want to grow sales by 10% this year.” Why only 10%? Why not 7% or 23% or 62%? Why 10? It’s the sheepish shrug of the shoulder that pisses me off the most. The real answer is that it’s the default answer. There […]

My Favorite Day of the Week to Lead

I’m weird. I have a favorite word. I also have a favorite day of the week to lead. It’s Thursday. Why? Simple. Thursday sets the stage for a scramble to the finish line on Friday. Friday is when you send your people home to be with their family. You want to set their minds at […]

Rules Instead of Relationships

When you have to write rules because your relationships suck, you may want to start investing time in your people. Poor leaders write ironclad rules based on an exception, which allow for no flexibility or decision-making. Great leaders talk to the person with the behavioral exception and clarify the expected frameworks we operate under. Then, […]

“I Can’t…”

Last week, I was told by the owner of a business I love, “I can’t…” It made my heart hurt. “I can’t” is a horrible response driven by a mindset that has surrendered power. Negative mindsets stunt evolution and innovation. It leads to decay. Everything I know about business tells me that the company who […]

Silent Promises are Killers

If your business can’t make a promise, then you are doing it all wrong. I love traveling. Newness opens your eyes to the world right around you that you would otherwise pass blindly. While traveling in Charlotte, I saw two businesses stake their claim: Whole Foods – Values clearly posted on the wall opposite the […]

People: Assets or Liabilities?

In my experience of working with entrepreneurs, business owners and CEOs, these leaders view their people as either an asset or a liability. Assets make the company money. Liabilities cost the company money. When you are on the asset mindset side, you invest into your people: training, culture and shared rewards. You want to prime […]

31 Ways to Use White Space to Unleash Productivity

I learned about white space from my fantastically talented illustrator, Allison Bair. I was, yet again, stuffing too much onto a page. She pushed back explaining it was going to exhaust the user, confuse them and be utterly useless. In design, you deploy white space intentionally to create balance on the page. White space works […]

The Profound Paradox of Hurting While Helping

I have to much to learn as a parent. *Sigh* I’m so thankful I have a forgiving student, test case and daughter in Brooklyn. Recently, I met Bob Lupton, author of Toxic Charity, at a leadership event. He explained the idea of empowerment and dis-empowerment related to “doing good for others.” When we do for […]

An Inspiring Vision Driven by Emotional Connections

It’s 1997 and Steve Jobs has just returned to lead Apple from the brink of disaster. Listen to his incredible vision for the future, driven by values and lifted by emotional connections. To me, it is a masterful lesson in laying out the future to inspire and galvanize during a period of change. Obviously, with […]

Getting Specific on Reflection: 5Whys

I recently started working out at Orange Theory Fitness. It is the best workout I’ve ever experienced. Period. I love the mindset the trainers instill, “Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.” Pushing yourself into deep corners is the only way to grow. And, walking in knowing that I’m going to be uncomfortable helps me to succeed. […]